Dear Mr. President

White House - Washington, DC

Dear Mr. President,

We awake this morning to discover the accomplishment of an important goal over which many of us have been praying — fervently. I have spoken with many who have watched with jubilation and thankfulness as even the most liberal media outlets in the world acknowledge your victory in the 2024 US Presidential Election. We had feared (and to a degree still do) the possibility of violence in our widely divided nation, and we pray now for your safety and the safety of your family. We also continue to pray for the future—of our country and its leadership, our culture and way of life, our families and their families and our freedoms. Many of us know what has been sacrificed to make these blessings possible, and we expect a collective respect for history. We don’t long for veneration of the shameful occurrences in our past but rather strive for the constructive growth of the nation.

And so now our focus turns to the work set before you and, in recognition of the design of this great nation, us. While the words spoken on the campaign trail are often abandoned as the urgent need for votes wanes, we pray for results based on the objectives you have outlined. In diverse ways, you have spoken to the hopes of literally millions of Americans. These Americans are indeed from diverse backgrounds. You could not have achieved this historic milestone without understanding our worries and addressing our aspirations. And so, from your words, we draw the object of our expectations and prayers.

From the victory given to you, we expect a renewed integrity. Our nation is dramatically divided, and you are in a unique position to address that danger. First, in the tradition of Hippocrates, do no harm. Guard your words so that they are directed toward actions, not inflaming the opponent. You are (or soon will be once again) the President of the United States of America; please act accordingly. Mankind instinctually craves strong leadership, and this yearning presents you with a tremendous opportunity wrapped in a formidable obligation. Robust and effective leadership has never occurred in the form of a dictator or political scoundrel. For our nation to return toward an irreproachable position, our leader must strive to be above reproach. Let your words be seasoned with salt and informed by both knowledge and wisdom. Your opponents are already redoubling their efforts to deceive their audiences and persuade with curses and grotesque hyperbole. Please, don’t roll around in the mud with them.

Secondly, say what you mean and mean what you say. In this age of technology and instant content, speak and work to the fullness of time, not the immediacy of the quip. This country needs to see what it looks like when a man does what he says he will do. It is clear to many Americans that our political system, while the best in the world, carries the nagging weight of human flaws. We are optimistic that, as you have intimated, you plan to address the most serious of those deficits. But we are also hopeful for a man who is meticulous with his words.

History suggests that all great civilizations become so enthralled with their virtue that they slide into decay. Unfortunately, it appears that our nation is not immune from this affliction. It comes in many forms, but for us as Americans, it may be most evident in the menacing polarization of our collective psyche. What do I mean? Maybe it is best exemplified by the examples around us.

Today, Americans pay exorbitant sums to celebrities, those who call themselves journalists (on both ends of the political spectrum) and “influencers.” These sums appear to serve as a bounty through which we can abdicate our personal responsibility to decency. It is not your task to correct these exploits by force or rule, but rather, it is your duty to affect change through example. From the victory given to you, we need a revitalized sense of respect.

We can easily assemble a list of morally reprehensible behaviors espoused by vocal factions within our society. We know these behaviors to be wrong, yet we understand the need to educate and inform gracefully in hopes of securing a more perfect union. In short, while we know right from wrong, out of respect for those souls in the wrong, we strive openly, peacefully, but purposefully for change. We pray that you will be undaunted in your pursuit of a better nation while standing resolutely as our example of respect and integrity.

We also watch for the actions promised from the victory given to you. Those Americans who have provided you with this success have done so with the aspiration of coming achievements. While not all of your support comes from those devoid of ulterior motives, your election would not have been secured without those of us with honest intentions. We are watching anxiously to see that you will work toward making America greater still.

We pray that you will restore law and order to the national agenda. Our hope is that, while America remains a land of opportunity, you will secure the nation and strengthen a responsible system of immigration. Please show this country how to honor those who have sacrificed for its security and prosperity, our veterans. And while we also pray for the preservation of our freedoms, we await your leadership to influence the country away from its lusts — especially its lusts for the murder of the innocent and the destruction of the nuclear family that has long been the foundation of our democracy.

Finally, Mr. President, we draw your attention to a word used repeatedly in this letter — pray. We respect even a government with which we disagree because God has instructed us accordingly. We believe in the power of prayer and the impact of our prayerful efforts on your behalf. We pray without ceasing because of the effect it has. We pray because we know that in the end, One reigns, and His rule will ultimately be in full effect.

And now, we pray again for you, Mr. President. We pray that you will return to office with the highest integrity Americans have seen in many decades. We long for the return of a government worthy of respect and one that is respectful of the right way to achieve a greater good. We look for actions that will return America to a worthy status as a safe nation founded on opportunity within the wholesome rule of law and focused on the common good of all its citizens. In short, we pray for you, Mr. President, and for our great nation.